by Jess Clark IT Girls online have declared handbags the trendiest accessory of 2024. And PHERAHS have come through with their latest selection. The first thing that’s obvious, their focus on neutral tones paired with sunset colours think pink, yellow, and some blue. Neutral tones, in the home and fashion more widely have been on the increase. In fact temporary wallpaper company (popular with design-focused renters), Tempaper & co, have also been leaning into this through their description of “timeless neutrals.” Neutrals are simple, elegant, a colour set that can be paired easily with a variety of tones, and can fit with a variety of styles and outfits. Burnt orange is also a trending colour that has been seen a lot within the fashion sphere more recently. This follows on from the Pantone Spring Summer 2023 fashion show where a similar shade of red was depicted widely, and is seen within this PHERAHS collection. Furthermore, buckles as an embellishment in fashion have also begu