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“Hours in Office": An Editorial Capturing the Isolation of Women in the Workplace

by Oana-Maria Moldovan

Amidst the pandemic, over half a million UK women transitioned from part-time to full-time employment. 

Yet, this monumental shift faces a threat as companies reconsider flexible work arrangements. For many women, the challenge isn't merely increasing work hours; it feels insurmountable. 

“The truth? For many women, increasing work hours isn't just a challenge; it feels insurmountable. They grapple with limited flexibility, shouldering greater domestic responsibilities, and battling a crumbling childcare system,” articulated by Anna Lane, Chief Executive of the Wisdom Council.

This reality is amplified for women of color, immigrant women, and those in predominantly male-dominated roles. The editorial "Hours in Office" encapsulates these challenges with striking imagery.

"Hours in Office" paints vivid scenes of women navigating their workspaces, capturing the essence of modern concerns over evolving work hours and the closure of childcare facilities during a period of rising costs.

Upon closer inspection, the imagery evokes a sense of melancholy and a yearning for change, evident in the expressions and poses of the models. The deliberate inclusion of women of color further underscores the plight faced by WOC and immigrant women in the UK.

The choice of clothing sparks a broader conversation, fusing traditional work attire with informal pieces. This juxtaposition sheds light on the pervasive but often unspoken sexism that lingers in today's workplaces, especially for young women.

One poignant image features three models in a line, evoking emotions akin to scenes from The Handmaid's Tale. 

This depiction of women standing in unity, gazing ahead with a mix of determination and resignation, speaks to the aspiration for a better future amid societal pressures.

"Hours in Office" narrates the stories of UK women compelled to navigate workplaces that deviate from the norm, while shouldering an unequal share of domestic responsibilities compared to their male counterparts. This narrative resonates across all fields and specializations.

The editorial was brought to life by Photographer Aran Harris, Producer Sarai Pinney, wardrobe from Ruder Than The Rest, Makeup artist Runako Studios, and models Patricia Sousa, Gia Davis, and Kenya Roper. Anna Lane's candid commentary ignited this crucial discussion.

Edited by Emily Duff

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