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The Graduation Fashion Week Collective Catwalk Show: A Sustainable Showcase of Upcoming Designers

by Miette Dsouza

Graduate Fashion Week (GFW) recently took place in London's vibrant East End, and it was a celebration of sustainability and emerging talent. From the iconic Brick Lane to the sustainable practices adopted throughout the event, GFW showcased the resolve of up-and-coming designers to embrace a more eco-friendly approach. 

Join us as we take a closer look at the final day of GFW, highlighting the remarkable designs that are reshaping the fashion industry.

GFW left no stone unturned in its commitment to sustainability. Even the water served at the event came in cans, emphasizing the organizers' dedication to reducing plastic waste. From the runway to the audience, sustainability was infused into every aspect of this remarkable showcase.

The GFW Collective Catwalk Show featured an array of standout designs, each with its unique vision and execution. Let's delve into a few remarkable creations that captivated the audience and embodied sustainability.

Harriet Hooper - 'Bilateral Being, AW24'

Harriet Hooper's designs were showstoppers, mesmerizing the audience with their crimson and ivory hues. The centerpiece of her collection was an enormous headpiece, resembling a brain and crafted with hand-poured silicon brain cells. The anamorphic art of Hooper's brain scan added a captivating touch, reflecting her personal struggle with bilateral vestibular hypofunction. Moreover, the transformative nature of her garments showcased her technical prowess and commitment to sustainability.

Tamara Héjja - Strong Vulnerability

Tamara Héjja's collection embodied both innovation and sustainability. Drawing inspiration from nature, she used a variety of fabrics to depict different terrains and textures. The interplay of tough leatherette and delicate silk highlighted the dichotomy of strength and fragility. Héjja's use of sustainable printing technology and her emphasis on nature's imperfections further solidified her commitment to a more eco-conscious fashion industry.

Sophie Wheeler - The Dazzle of Halibut

Sophie Wheeler's designs left spectators in awe with their oversized silhouettes, vibrant colors, and playful patterns. Embracing sustainability to its core, Wheeler incorporated waste yarns, natural dyes, and even repurposed avocado pits in her creations. Her meticulous attention to detail and sustainable sourcing showcased a dedication to reimagining fashion's environmental impact.

Graduation Fashion Week provides a vital platform for aspiring designers to make their mark in London's fashion scene. Amidst a world consumed by consumerism and fast fashion, these designers demonstrate a resolute commitment to sustainability. Through their eco-friendly designs, they challenge the status quo and pave the way for a future where sustainability is the norm, seamlessly woven into the very fabric of life.

The Graduation Fashion Week Collective Catwalk Show was an embodiment of sustainable fashion's growing influence. 

From Harriet Hooper's transformative designs to Tamara Héjja's innovative materials and Sophie Wheeler's meticulous craftsmanship, these emerging designers are at the forefront of reshaping the industry. As they champion sustainability, they inspire a generation and showcase a future where fashion and eco-consciousness go hand in hand.

Edited by Emily Duff

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